Monday 6 June 2016

Blogger SEO tips

In the name of God,If you are among new blogger or just don't know much about how to drive traffic from search engine and how to rank your blog in google then here is what you are looking for.There are always a few simple and basic SEO tricks which act in giving you a good google search engine page rank.I will try to share as much as possible SEO tips which are very easy for you to apply and learn.These tips will not use a lot of your time but they will increase your blog's worth many many times.

You must have seen top ranked sites and the way they present their content.They are at top of google for a few reasons of which site's age and SEO are the two top factors.Following are a few things necessary for you to be a good blogger:

1)Post title:

The blog's post title is the most essential thing in search engine to determine whether your website is related to the search query or not.What you should be careful about is to know that what people search and what is the competition for that search term.Like if you want to write a topic on 'drug addiction' in which you mention ways to get rid of drugs and prevent one's self from drugs.So if you will give title to that post like 'addiction' or 'drug addiction' simply then this will not work for you as the competition for such terms is already very high so it's very hard to impossible that you may drive some traffic but if you use a long tale title like 'prevention from drug addiction' or something similar which might not be searched in million numbers per month but in thousands but it got a lower competition then you are fortunate because they are very bright chances that you will end up in sucking a good amount of traffic.Although it is not searched as much but you will drive most of traffic which searches.SO one should be clever in use of blog post title because it is decisive in your site's reputation in Google search engine.
To decide which title would be most suitable,you should know how to use Google AdWords keyword planner and Google trend to compare and choose a clever title.Both the tools are free to use and can be easily used by a common user.

2)Images and captions

Words and picture
Worth of an image
Importance of image
'A picture is worth a thousand words'
This is not  simply true in exams or study but also in site's rank in google but on internet,you need not only an image but also a few ways to optimise it for search engine.

  • The name of the image you will upload on Blogger should be what people search and not be like 1.jpg or related which is worth not even a single word in Google search engine.
Image name
SEO image name
  • After uploading image,one should be mindful of image's caption and properties like alt text and title text.
Image SEO
Image properties
  • You are almost done with image optimization to perform well in Google image search.

3)Avoiding spelling mistakes:

Spelling mistakes are fatal and can be a cause of your bad performance of your site.Well,thanks to Blogger as they gave the wonderful feature of spelling check which locates all the mistakes.Moreover,Google chrome itself underlines mistaken words with red colour.
spelling correction
Spelling correction
But as you can see,this function also considers proper nouns to be mistakes so you must have a bit common sense to use this function because this is not human mind based function.


Backlinks and internal links are signs of death or life of a blog or site.But the backlinking or internal linking should be natural.A person should be open hearted to give good sites backlink because this is a plus point in reputation of a site.Like I gave a backlink to wikipedia on SEO.This will be both helpful for user to read more and also for the reputation of your blog as google engine will fell happy to see you connected with good reputed sites.
backlink SEO
Linking SEO

But what is more essential is to get backlinks for reputed sites.Don't try to buy cheap backlinks as google bots will catch you red handed.Just be sincere with your site and you will automatically get backlinks as people will love and share what you provide to them.Think that the backlinks you can easily make are also easily available to your competitors so they worth not even a penny before Google.
Internal linking means using link of your own site at relevant places.This is the coolest way to keep your site alive and updated.Internal linking is required for good SEO career of a site.

5)Text formatting:

Text formatting is important as it helps users in locating what is most,more and less important.Making important and searched keywords bold and italic increases importance of those words for google bot.So be careful in formatting.
Using proper bullets and making heading and sub headings is need of a good site.
Post writing on a website is not like writing essay in exams.You need to sort out essential and non essential parts in such a way so that the reader can digest the content with no effort.
Thus if you will serve your visitors,Google and other search engines will serve you.I believe these SEO tricks for websites need time to spend on but they are worthy of time because SEO pays back.
This is very first post of TEAMUGY so please give us your feedback to keep our morale high so that we keep sharing good tips and tricks with you.


  1. Hmmmm It is helpful but these skills need practice.

    1. You will learn them automatically with time...


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